Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spring Reading Thing 2008

Katrina at Caterpillar Days is hosting the Spring Reading Thing 2008, and I am joining in the challenge. The challenge runs from March 20th through June 19th 2008. My reading list is going to be small because I really want to accomplish it and I know how tough it is for me to complete a book.

Katrina says

"Spring Reading Thing 2008 is simply an opportunity for you to set some reading goals, share them with the blogosphere, and work toward them this spring. Perhaps you want to add some variety to your fiction reading. Or maybe you've had very good intentions as far as reading that book on budgeting or marriage or starting a home business, haven't even cracked the cover yet. Some might want to read more with their children... Or maybe you just love to read and want to share your reading list and check out everyone else's."

I'm excited about it and I'm looking forward to reading what other women will be reading this spring and what they have to say about the books they will be reading.

My Reading list is:
  • The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace (you can read along with Leslie and others at Lux Venit. Find out more here)
  • Lets Study the Ephesians by Sinclair Ferguson (our womens Bible Study is working through the book of Ephesians... this is the book we are using)
  • Ida Scudder: Healing Bodies, Touching Hearts by Janet and Geoff Benge (This is a Christian Hero's biography. I'm reading it to my 3 year old daughter)
I would love to add one more book, but I think that these 3 are a good way to start. I'm going to try to add a few comments about what I'm reading along the way. Come join in. As Katrina says "Ready, set, read..."

1 comment:

Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

I read The Excellent Wife several years ago and really got a lot out of it -- lots to ponder and apply in there. Thanks for being part of SRT '08!