Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Gift of Friendships

Alpha and Omega Publications has a daily devotional that I get in my email everyday. This one really hit me, and I included it below.

I am new to homeschooling; my daughter just turned 4 and this year was suppose to start out slow allowing us to get comfortable with a new schedule and new ways of doing things. But my personality can lead me into trouble. Being frustrated when everyday things get in the way of MY SCHEDULE. The thing that sends me into the abyss is the telephone. When I hear my phone ring I feel obligated to answer it. But my phone rings all day, sometimes it's my friends or family, but most times its just telemarketers and such. When I am in the middle of something and the phone rings I am sent over the edge; do I answer it, do I ignore it, who is it, is it important... ugh... I know this sounds crazy, but it's true. That's what goes through my mind. I tend to go to the extreme of not talking to anyone for weeks or talking to everyone and sending my daughter off to play and getting nothing done. How can I find the balance? I am so blessed by the friends God has given me. If you've known me for any length of time you know how difficult it is for me to make friends; and at the age of 46 God has give me a great group of friends and family and a wonderful husband and children. I want them to know how important they are to me and I pray that I can bless them as much as they bless me. Again I ask... how do I find the balance...anyone else out there like me,....anybody... anybody....

"Have you ever watched young girls interact? They can be the best of friends one moment and dire enemies the next. Because of petty differences and easily hurt feelings, young girls are notorious for having a new "best friend" each week. My homeschooled daughter found it difficult to keep up with these fluctuations in her friends. What she wanted most was an "Anne of Green Gables" kindred spirit in whom she could confide (Philippians 2:20). The Bible gives us a great example of true friendship — Jonathan and David. Willing to lay down their lives for each other, they displayed a standard for us to follow. The example of their loyal friendship shows what is needed to be a friend and keep a friend. "And Jonathan said to David, Go in peace, inasmuch as we have sworn both of us in the name of the LORD, saying, The LORD be between me and thee, and between my seed and thy seed for ever" (1 Samuel 20:42a). Are you faithful to your friends? Do you work at making and keeping relationships alive, even during your busy homeschooling days? Don't forsake the treasure of a true friend! Schedule time into your homeschool day this week to bless the friends God has so graciously given you. Remember, too, to schedule time for your best friend, the One who sticketh closer than a brother — Jesus! "A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother" (Proverbs 18:24)."

I pray this prayer along with the many others that are thankful for the mercies of our Lord... "Jesus, thank You for all the wonderful people You have brought into my life. Help me to treat each one as a special gift from You. Thank You for being my "best friend" and giving me the Holy Spirit to remember all You have said. In Jesus name, Amen."

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