Saturday, May 10, 2008

Hymn of the Month

Christ is Risen from the Dead
Written by Margaret Bowdler, 1973

Christ is Risen from the dead,
glorious day we celebrate;
death has no pow'r over him.
Hallelujah, he is risen!

As in Adam all men die,
so all those in Christ shall live;
he has conquered death and hell.
Hallelujah, he is risen!

No more need we fear the grave,
now, O death, where is your sting?
God gives us the victory.
Hallelujah, he is risen!

Christ is Risen from the dead,
glorious day we celebrate;
now we live through faith in him.
Hallelujah, he is risen

This Hymn was written in 1973 by a woman named Margaret Bowdler, using the Tune of the meter and tune can be found here.
There are a number of hymns that have the same tune. When you go to the site, you will see the song Hallelujah What a Savior next to the meter This hymn uses the same tune. These words are magnificent; my daughter and I will learn them together.

Below is a Midi Player where you can here the song for yourself. Enjoy the music but most importantly be blessed by the words.

*UPDATE* I am sorry for not explaining the meter system at this time. I just don't know enough about it to make any intelligent statements. I'll be asking my musically talented friends and family for help with this and do an explanation of it as soon as I can. God Bless.

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