Thursday, March 6, 2008

My Morning Devotions

This is my morning Devotion with Tabletalk Magazine, a daily devotional by RC Sproul.
Matthew 5:4-5, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed is to be approved by God. In the prior verse, Jesus has just said the Father approves of the poor in spirit , those who know their need for divine forgiveness. Keeping in that line of thinking He also says that the Father approves of those who morn (mourning over their own sin and it's effects on themselves and others) and those who are meek (persons of gentle and mild dispositions that are not easily provoked. They are prepared to do anything rather then do as the wicked do.)

The poor in spirit, the mourner and the meek are all the qualities of the believer that is approved by God. On our own we are no where near this, but with the grace and mercy of God, and the word that He has given us to learn from and grow, we can walk in his approval each day. And if we fail, and we surely will at times, we know where our help comes from.

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